First cooked peas in five years

Fresh peasIn five years of allotmenteering, I’ve never cooked a single pea I’ve grown.

They’ve never got near the pan – too sweet and delicious. These only got cooked because I left them a fraction too long and they lost their sweetness.

They were OK. But on balance, I wish I’d scoffed them raw. As usual.

6 Responses to “First cooked peas in five years”

  1. Jo Says:

    I agree, peas are delicious eaten straight from the pod. I do manage to get some cooked as well though.

  2. Suzanne Says:

    I find that the pea moth caterpillars taste better cooked – so most of ours are served that way…

  3. Tanya walton Says:

    I love them raw…but do cook a few…as for the caterpillars…tend not to bother eating those so much!! lol

  4. Soilman Says:

    Oooo, the ghastly pea moth maggots. I’m utterly PARANOID about them. Every individual pea has to be carefully rolled between thumb and forefinger for minute examination before I dare eat it. I’d vomit lavishly and spontaneously if I knew I’d eaten one.

    Quite a few this year – probably a maggot in every fourth pod.

  5. Manor Stables Veg Plot Says:

    Blurgh!!! About as bad as finding one of those little black slug monsters on your lettuce, even though you’ve washed it a million times. Feel a bit sick now…..

  6. Kay Says:

    What! You can cook peas that haven’t come from the freezer? How big is a pea moth maggot? Would I notice it as I get the peas in my mouth quickly so I don’t have to share?
    Kay x