French beans, desperate for planting out

Young French bean seedlingEverything’s bursting at the seams, desperate to get out on the plot. I’ve got sweetcorn, French beans, courgettes, squashes, pumpkins and gherkins all jostling for space in my crappy mini-greenhouse.

But I daren’t put any of them out. Too dangerous; we often have late frosts in the second half of May. Last year a -3C frost blasted everyone’s early potatoes on May 21st.

So I’m stuck with everything until June 1st. I have pots in every nook and cranny of the house and garden, and am considering which body orifices could be pressed into service to provide more space…

6 Responses to “French beans, desperate for planting out”

  1. Jo Says:

    It’s exactly the same here. I do have a 6X4 greenhouse, but that’s still too small.

  2. Rachael Says:

    No matter how big the greenhouse, it will always be too small.

  3. Suzanne Says:

    I got sick of the sight of all my pots so they’re all in the ground! Sweetcorn, courgettes, squash, pumpkins, beans, the whole darn shebang. I prefer to see it as me being finely attuned with nature rather than me being rash. I confidently predict no more frosts…..

  4. Rampant_Weasel Says:

    pity me for i have no greenhouse just a coldframe….tis a very nice one made by a carpenter for someone and then the someone donated it to me, its come in very handy.
    i dont worry too much about may frosts cos they arent hard enuff to kill anything just singe them round the edges, at least thats wots happened the past 2 years running

  5. Soilman Says:

    Suzanne: Hope to God you’re right. For both of us. I just removed all my plastic and fleece…

  6. Suzanne Says:

    I did remember to post my disclaimer right?…