Why Ratte potatoes are excellent
At this time of year, I’d normally be ranting about courgettes: how many I’ve got, how quickly they turn into marrows, how I can’t get rid of them etc etc.
(See? I almost went off on one there).
But I’m not going to inflict that upon you (not today, anyway). Instead, I want to sing the praises of the Ratte potato.
Granted, it’s French. But that’s a small black mark against a spud that is truly excellent in every other way. Its yield is prodigious (albeit with small-ish tubers in a dry Spring), it tolerates a bit of blight, tastes absolutely delicious and is very versatile in cookery. As a salad potato, it beats Charlotte hands down.
In short, Ratte gets the Soilman Mark of Full Approval. For what that’s worth.
If you’re looking to try a new early (they grow fine as second earlies – ready in mid to late June), you could do worse than this one.
I found a website once, entirely dedicated to the French potato breeding industry. Lots and lots of new and improved varieties. I’m not surprised you found a good one. Perhaps on my next day trip to France I might bring some back to plant as seed next year.
August 10th, 2009 at 6:33 pm
Good to see you posting again soilman and thanks for the tip on potatoes…hoping (fingers crossed) for a bit more growing room next year so I can have extra spuds so I would love to give this one a try. Where did you but the potatoes though??
August 11th, 2009 at 7:25 am
Tanya: Got them at Tucker’s seeds, where I get most of my spuds. Some interesting varieties.
August 11th, 2009 at 11:35 am
Can’t agree about Ratte, soilman. (I thought it was a maincrop salad variety). When I grew it the yield was poor and the wastage through blight and pests was dispiriting. Never grown it since. Stick to Pink Firapple.
ps Like your attitude to journos.
August 16th, 2009 at 9:56 am
That’s a shame, Mal. Maybe I have soil/weather conditions that suit it better than you do.
August 16th, 2009 at 7:57 pm