Beetroot. And, er, that’s about it

beetrootLadies and gentlemen, you may be looking at my most successful crop in 2010.

Yes, these humble beetroots are about the only things I’ve grown that I can be proud of this year. And I’m not that proud, frankly.

It’s all OK, though, because I’ve rationalised everything. It’s just a one-off lousy year. Shit happens. Next year, I’ll be drowning in veg again.

Everything’s going to be just fine.


8 Responses to “Beetroot. And, er, that’s about it”

  1. Tilly Says:

    Well, you can but hope! What will you be doing with the beetroot? I’m trying to grow them for the first time and I’ve only ever eaten them pickled.

  2. Julie Says:

    I hope next year will be better, but I suspect something about the climate has changed… permanently, I just don’t know what it means for my ability to grow veg.

  3. Simon Says:

    When the real crops are a disaster (like my onions, french beans and potatoes) is it acceptable to dwell on the success of allotment flowers? In fact I wonder of they are really mentionable … it feels a bit taboo.
    I love dahlias. They are robust and productive in my plot whatever the weather feels like doing. We also have some highly scented deep purple sweet peas which are thriving even if they are ignoring the canes I put in for them. These really upset Wolfgang who said they weren’t proper allotment plants. I have a few marrigolds which flower happily away between the rabbit munched brassica stumps, and even a few cosmos flowers from this years plant swop (I gave away some white cabbage plants for them).
    It’s just that, whilst the vegs are shit, at least my flowers are doing well, and you can bring them home and enjoy them.

  4. Phil Says:

    Tilly, they are so good fresh, cut in thin slices or blanched just by themselves or in a salad, I don’t have them pickled at all anymore.

  5. Rampant_Weasel Says:

    thats the spirit soilman!
    ive followed and have had a roaring crop so u can feel justly proud.consider yourself a carrot growing sage 🙂

  6. Soilman Says:

    Julie: This is my unspoken fear, ie that these horribly dry summers are going to be ‘normal’ in future, not the exception.

    Phil: So true. It’s only anglo-saxons who believe beetroot is only edible when pickled in vinegar. Millions of eastern Europeans will tell you that beetroot should never go anywhere near the pickling jar… and they’re right.

    Rampant_weasel: Thank God it’s worked for somebody. Drought has destroyed everything I’ve tried to do this year.

  7. Says:

    Oh, I definitely think we’re seeing the initial effects of climate change. It’s my theory that Southern California will get more and more moisture.

  8. Says:

    SM, your beetroot looks better than mine, best eaten fresh as Phil says, can’t believe I used to eat the pickled version. And you can’t beat a good Dahlia when all else fails. It will be better next year!