Of cabbages and Autumn Kings
Had a fabulous day on Tuesday. A full six hours at my allotment without interruptions, additions, chores, tasks or interference. AND the sun was shining.
I realised later that this was the first time in more than four years that I’ve been able to enjoy my vegetable gardening at leisure: no clock-watching, no frantic weed tugging in a tightly-defined 10-min window between other pressing engagements. It was bliss.
The bad news, of course, is that it got me thinking about my life in general. The most appropriate question arising: What life?
All I do, essentially, is work. When I’m not working (unusual) I’m trying to fit into the few pathetic remaining hours of the week all the tedious chores and domestic tasks I can’t do at work. Gardening is forced into a very lowly position on my list of priorities.
I know whingeing is unattractive. I also know lots of you reading this will be recognising your own lives in this rant and thinking “Get over it, Soilman. Grow a pair.”
I have no answer to that. But I promise you: If I figure out a way to work less and garden more, I’ll be sharing it with you here.
Actually, I’m thinking “I can so relate”. If ever you figure out how to get more gardening and less working, please do share it. I would love to know.
Also. that’s nice looking soil.
June 28th, 2013 at 9:35 am
I understand where you’re coming from, but after being laid off and looking for work for a few months…I’m thinking work wouldn’t be so bad. Although I’m sure a few months after I land a job I’ll be back to complaining :-). The upside is we’re having a heat wave (very unusual in the PWN) and we’ll see temps between 26 and 33C. Maybe I’ll have peppers and tomatoes after all!
June 29th, 2013 at 5:18 am
That comment was just what I needed to hear, Kath. Thank you – and my deepest sympathies. I do hope you find something suitable soon. Unemployment is the biggest misery of all.
June 29th, 2013 at 10:34 pm
I would love to have more time in the garden….however I do enjoy every minute I get there…even in the rain and wind and weeds!!!!!
June 29th, 2013 at 7:48 pm