Grateful for anything, however small
You will have noticed that I’m doing no posting this year. This is because I am largely doing no gardening.
My vegetable patch, consequently, is a disaster zone. This is the only view I could find where my plot doesn’t look utterly overrun with weeds. Everything else is.
I’ll just about get a potato crop, and possibly some corn – if I look after it (vain hope). I may even get beetroot (which is close to indestructible). Everything else is pretty much fucked.
Oddly, I can’t even summon up the energy to care. Much.
Reason: My energies are so eaten up caring and worrying about my new job that there’s just nothing left for, well, anything else. I’m exhausted and distracted. Frankly, if I get anything to eat from this year’s gardening, I’ll just be catatonically grateful.
Posted on 15th June 2014
Under: Sweetcorn | 4 Comments »