Archive for the 'running' Category

Fat bastard completes 10km run shocker

Blenheim Palace BHF 10km runCompleted the Blenheim Palace 10km earlier today. Joints are just starting to stiffen up nicely.

If you’ve not been to Blenheim before, I strongly recommend a visit. It’s the absurdly grand and pompous country pile built by the Duke of Marlborough in celebration of his . Designed and landscaped by ‘Capability’ Brown, it’s a home fit for Ozymandias – gorgeously epitomised by over the piffling little lake in front of the house. A triumph of over-engineering in the name of bombast and vainglory.

SoilmanIn short, it’s an egotistical monument to a monumental ego, and I love it. Tasteless, artificial, grandiose, shameless… and utterly beautiful. A pleasure to do the tour, even with rasping lungs and burning legs.

I finished in 1 hour 4 mins, which is a personal best. Might have gone faster had it not been for the evil hill in the middle – steep, and very long. But hey, I finished. Given that I couldn’t run for 3 mins in early January, I reckon that’s a result.

Posted on 13th June 2010
Under: running | 14 Comments »

Running around Richmond Park

Ran this yesterday, and all I can say is that Richmond Park is a bloody long way round.

I’ve never seen all of it, and it’s very lovely. Deer, gorgeous vistas, spreading chestnuts, buzzing bees etc etc. BUT it’s also got some scary gradients.

Don’t know which is worse: the very steep, but mercifully short hill by Kingston gate, or the long, drawn-out agony of the slow climb from the cemetery to the top of Richmond Hill.

Whatever. I survived it – by dint of running pathetically slowly. Yesterday’s time was feeble, but at least I finished with some puff to spare. Next time I’ll knock at least 5 mins off it.

Posted on 1st June 2010
Under: running | 8 Comments »

Celeriac: not quite yet…

celeriac in potsAstonishingly, my potatoes appear to be coming back… thank Heaven. Thanks to everyone who expressed sympathy, and good luck to those who suffered the same fate. Hope yours are recovering too.

My thoughts have now turned to the pot-bound plants that desperately need to get out on the plot – such as this celeriac.

Normally, I’d have planted them out by now. But this year, I simply daren’t – I have a nasty feeling that Winter hasn’t quite finished with us yet, despite the gorgeous 23C sunshine we’re enjoying this weekend.

my 10km run this morningSo I’m going to have a nervous breakdown trying to get everything out next weekend… when I assume it will piss with rain 24/7.

At least today I got a good run in the log book. This route was absolutely gorgeous, and I can’t recommend it highly enough – for a jog, walk, run, whatever.

Posted on 22nd May 2010
Under: Roots, running | 11 Comments »

In the running: Slow but steady

SoilmanThe weekend was pretty uninspiring for gardening. Got some peas planted out and spent what felt like hours weeding. But the real sense of achievement came from the 10km run.

This was the second 10km I’ve completed, and I’m beginning to get a little bit of confidence about it. Sunday’s was particularly encouraging, because I felt fresh at the end. Could have gone a lot further. It was even enjoyable… and I never thought I’d be writing that.

Such is my enthusiasm, in fact, that I’ve signed up for the BHF’s Blenheim 10km in June. My ultra-staunch training partner, aka my sister (poor deluded woman), is accompanying me. The aim is NOT a fast time. Nor are we manically raising funds – for now. We just want to run the whole course and finish.

So wish me luck. And send a paramedic.

Posted on 18th May 2010
Under: running | 9 Comments »