Of cabbages and Autumn Kings
Had a fabulous day on Tuesday. A full six hours at my allotment without interruptions, additions, chores, tasks or interference. AND the sun was shining.
I realised later that this was the first time in more than four years that I’ve been able to enjoy my vegetable gardening at leisure: no clock-watching, no frantic weed tugging in a tightly-defined 10-min window between other pressing engagements. It was bliss.
The bad news, of course, is that it got me thinking about my life in general. The most appropriate question arising: What life?
All I do, essentially, is work. When I’m not working (unusual) I’m trying to fit into the few pathetic remaining hours of the week all the tedious chores and domestic tasks I can’t do at work. Gardening is forced into a very lowly position on my list of priorities.
I know whingeing is unattractive. I also know lots of you reading this will be recognising your own lives in this rant and thinking “Get over it, Soilman. Grow a pair.”
I have no answer to that. But I promise you: If I figure out a way to work less and garden more, I’ll be sharing it with you here.
Posted on 28th June 2013
Under: Rants, Roots | 4 Comments »