Big head, small feet?

Desiree potato flowersI totally see why our forebears thought potatoes were ornamental. Planted en masse, they’re very beautiful. Especially the ones with pink and violet flowers.

I’m growing some old maincrop favourites this season – Desirée, Vitelotte – but also some new ones: Golden Wonder (I have a weakness for chips) and a weird one called Mr Yetholm’s Little Gypsy. The latter will probably be shit. It’s clearly special interest (and therefore special needs), and the plants have not exactly thrived thus far.

The Golden Wonder, on the other hand, have produced the tallest and bushiest potato haulms I ever saw. They’re massive.

Does this mean I’ll get a massive crop? Or – as my jaundiced/experienced/cynical heart tells me – lots on top and fuck-all underneath?

Posted on 26th June 2011
Under: Potatoes | 3 Comments »

Seed potatoes: Seeds of Spring

seed potatoesSpring is within view, at last; when the seed potato order arrives, it’s not far off.

I’m being very unadventurous: Desiree, Orla, Kerr’s Pink. The only slightly unusual one is Ratte, a terrific French second early/early maincrop that I’ve become fond of. Utterly delicious salad potato.

Who knows? I may even go to the allotment at some point. After, er, a month’s absence.

Posted on 21st January 2010
Under: Potatoes, Spring | 9 Comments »

Does size matter (er, in potatoes)?

Enormous Desiree potato

I found this enormous Desirée potato this morning. By mistake: left it in the ground when I was digging the row last week.

Question: How the bloody hell could I miss something this big?

Another question: Can you top it with something bigger?

Email me any pics of huge potatoes (or comically misshapen ones) and I’ll post up the entries for laughs.

Posted on 20th September 2009
Under: Potatoes | 8 Comments »

Death by potato

Maincrop potatoes

Looked at the weather and realised today would be the last chance to dig my maincrop potatoes (if you’ve not done this before, here’s how). So I spent four hours in the sun digging and drying about 15 tonnes of Arran Victory and Desirée.

It nearly killed me.

Posted on 30th August 2008
Under: Potatoes | 5 Comments »