Another dirty little allotment secret

parsnips gone to seedEnough of the deranged rantings already. You guys may start to suspect I’m some kind of twisted, embittered old bore (Too late – imaginary Ed).

Here, instead, is a confessional photograph – just to warm the hearts of those who may still be under the illusion that I know what I’m doing (Again, too late – imaginary Ed). It’s not in soft focus. There was shit on the lens.

I tell everyone at the plot that I left last year’s parsnips to seed on purpose. This is, of course, bollocks. Truth: I got bored of eating them and ran out of time to pull them out (Translation: too lazy – imaginary Ed). Now they have roots half way to Sydney, Australia.

Hey ho. I WILL get some great seed from them, so every cloud etc etc.

PS Anyone out there a WordPress whizz who can tell me how to get rid of this fucking imaginary Editor?

Posted on 30th April 2011
Under: Roots | 6 Comments »

Top season for parsnips

Huge parsnipThink I may have left the parsnips a tad too long…

Given good soil and good conditions, parsnips grow to monster sizes. Some folks say they get woody and unpleasant to eat when they’re huge, but to be honest I’ve never noticed. Provided you cut out the core before cooking them, they’re fine.

And actually, this year’s crop has been my best ever. I’ve had two 15ft rows of huge, straight, tapering roots. Delicious, too, because all these frosts have sweetened them marvellously. This is Tender and True, my favourite variety.

How were your parsnips this season?

Posted on 9th March 2010
Under: Roots, Winter | 10 Comments »

The eat-free diet

Leeks, parsnips and Jerusalem artichokesOn the menu tonight:

• Parsnip, onion, porcini and Jerusalem artichoke soup (tastes a lot better than it sounds)
• Ham, potato and leek casserole

Bit of a calorie nightmare, but probably just about within the bounds of my new diet. I’m now into the action phase of my face-facts-you’re-fat campaign.

Somehow, I have to lose half a stone.

Posted on 31st January 2009
Under: Alliums, Roots, Winter | 3 Comments »

First parsnip of the season

ParsnipHurrah. The parsnips are ready and they’re big.

Wish I could say the same of my leeks, which are pitiful. I did the same this year as I always do, but they’ve grown feebly. Leeks also need sunshine, apparently.

There’s a bit of panic at the allotment site. We’ve all just paid our rent and the renewal terms are stricter than usual: carpet can no longer be used for weed suppression and every plot “must be kept weed-free”.

Gulp. I can live without the carpet, but the 100% weedless plot is a fantasy.

So that’s me buggered, then. Here’s hoping for a lenient interpretation of the rules.

Posted on 20th October 2008
Under: Roots | 10 Comments »